2023 Update

Hi friends! Sorry I haven’t updated my cancer blog in so many years. I almost forgot I had one!

After cancer treatment ended in early 2016, I returned overseas for a little more than three years. Even though the cancer was gone, some of the bad effects of treatment still followed me, held me back, and appeared to be chronic. So, in May 2019, I moved back to the US to be closer to medical help. In the end, it led to my early retirement, of sorts.

Anyway, the good news is that there is no evidence of cancer in my body. I go back to MD Anderson Cancer Center every fall for annual checkups. A few years ago, my oncologist told me that if the cancer hadn’t returned by then, it likely wouldn’t return, as it was an aggressive type of cancer that tends to grow back quickly if it is still present. He encouraged me to continue my annual checkups anyway though.

I hope my good news will encourage anyone with a cancer diagnosis, even metastatic cancer, which is what I was diagnosed as having. With God, good things can definitely happen.

I am in Texas, and moved into the home next door to my parents in May 2019. Sadly, my 88-year-old father passed away in November 2021, so now I do my best to look after my 86-year-old mother. She lives alone with her two dogs.

Speaking of dogs, my dog Mimi is 18-1/2 years old and she still makes me smile every day. Her health is weakening, but I’m thankful for whatever time we have left together.

Probably the only people who will see this post are the people who signed up to get email notifications of new blog posts from me. If I have lost contact with you, please let me know your email address or Facebook identity so we can stay in touch. I still use the same pobox.com email address that I have had for about 25 years, so if you still have that, it’s the right one. Thanks so much for your love and prayers through the years. They have changed my life!

There’s a good chance that this is the very last blog post on this blog … at least for this decade! Haha!

I’m sending all my love. Bye for now.